Nuestros productos son continuamente controlados pues así podemos estar seguros que proporcionamos un producto fiable. Por este motivo y debido a su carácter perecedero no aceptamos las mercancías de vuelta. En caso de reclamaciones en cuanto a un producto, el cliente podrá enviar una explicación acompañada de fotos.
Utilice siempre una dirección con calle + número de casa + código postal. Los servicios de mensajería lo necesitan para su entrega. ¿Su dirección no tiene número de casa? Elija otra dirección para la entrega de su pedido. En caso de problemas entrega por falta de calle / número de casa / código postal o no estar en casa con repetición intentos de entrega, esto es responsabilidad del cliente. ¡No aceptamos devoluciones!
Realizar un pedido
1) Bank transfer Always include your ordernumber as payment reference. For international
bank transfers please be sure to pay for possible additional bank costs.
2) Bitcoin The bitcoin address is linked to the order number. For Bitcoin payments just choose the bank payment option and write ‘Bitcoin’ in the comment and we will send you the Bitcoin address to make the payment to. We use [] to calculate the correct amount
of Bitcoin.
3) Monero The paymentID is linked to the order number. For Monero payments just choose the bank payment option and write ‘Monero’ in the comment and we will send you the Monero address to make the payment to. We use [] to calculate the correct amount of Monero.
Crypto’s are the method of payment of the future. They are wordwide, incredibly fast, and p2p. Using crypto’s is a choice for freedom. After you used them once they are just as easy to work with as sending an email. Monero is the most secure, private, and untraceable cryptocurrency available. []. Through a choice of payment providers you can effortlessly pay in many different ways using Bitcoin or Monero as an intermediair without the need of a crypto wallet.
Envío discreto

• All orders are shipped with tracking. Tracking code will be provided after
shipment. • For your privacy we use acronyms on all products .
• Grow kit instruction manuals will be provided through email.
• For international orders grow kits and spawn bags will be send and labeled
as cultures of common edible mushroom species. Truffles will be send and labeled
as food/reform.
We use 3 fixed Shipping rates: NL € 10, – / Europe-NWS € 15, – / World € 20, – price per order.
Servicio al cliente:
Solo respondemos preguntas sobre pedidos o estado del pedido. No respondemos preguntas relacionadas con el cultivo.